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Preparing for a Hurricane:

For a complete checklist of precautions to take before, during, and after a hurricane, click here.

  • Build an emergency supply kit:
    • 3 day supply of water
    • 3 day supply of food
    • Flashlights
    • Extra batteries
    • First aid supplies
  • Get a full tank of gas in one car
  • Store important documents in water-tight container
  • Establish and review evacuation plan; plan alternate routes
  • Locate nearest shelters

Remember the four steps: Gather. Record. Prepare. Protect.

Gather important documents, such as insurance policies, birth certificates, deeds, and utility bills and store them in waterproof containers. Also gather any important mementos, such as family photos and keepsakes. Write down any important numbers in case you lose power.

Record evidence of your home. Take photos of the inside and outside, including walls, floors, close-ups of appliances and other high-end items. Email photos to yourself for backup.

Prepare your home if you have time. Secure outdoor objects or move them inside, protect windows and use sandbags in doorways.

Protect yourself. This is the most important step. Keep cash, your photo ID and any medications with you. Follow evacuation orders — they are made to keep you safe. If you choose to stay, remember to store enough food, water and pet supplies with you. Store extra batteries, a battery-operated radio and gasoline.


Hurricanes are powerful tropical weather systems. When hurricanes move onto land, they sweep the ocean inward. Heavy winds, tornadoes, strong thunderstorms, flooding, storm surge and landslides can all be caused by hurricanes.

The Atlantic Hurricane Season runs from June 1 to November 30 with the peak season from mid-August to late October.


  • Tropical Depression: winds up to 39 miles per hour (mph).
  • Tropical Storm: 39 to 73 mph winds
  • Category 1: 74 to 95 mph winds
  • Category 2: 96 to110 mph winds
  • Category 3: 111 to 130 mph winds
  • Category 4: 131 to 155 mph winds.
  • Category 5: winds 156 mph or greater.

Stay in the Know

County By County


General Information

Shelters (Not Open as of Aug 28th 2023)

Get Notifications

Residents may call 866-345-0345 for storm-related information, sandbags, disaster preparation and community resources


EOC Facebook

Flagler County Gov Emergency


This is the most effective and quickest way to help those who have suffered after a disaster. When making a donation make sure you pick a reputable organization. Cash donations allow agencies to buy locally which infuses money into the local economy.


Before collecting relief supplies, find out if there is an agency that can accept them. Remember, the disaster landscape changes quickly, so act quickly. If an agency needs water today, they may not necessarily need water tomorrow. Social media sites like Facebook have up-to-date postings of needed supplies. Factor in shipping costs if you’re not planning on delivering your donations yourself.

When collecting food make sure they are nonperishable items, avoid homemade items and anything with glass.


Sorting, sizing and distributing clothes can sometimes be a less effective way of lending a helping hand after a disaster. Instead of donating clothing volunteer your time or make a monetary donation.


Volunteers play a major role in helping the community and its victims. There are numerous opportunities available where you can lend a hand and become a disaster relief volunteer, Click Volunteering to learn more.  Additionally here are some of the agencies we partner with; The

American Red Cross,

Volusia County COAD(Community Organizations Active in Disaster),

Salvation Army, Interfaith agencies,

Medical Reserve Corps, and Volusia County Emergency Management.

Apply with our general volunteer application here!

Please note: After applying to be a volunteer you will receive more information on how to connect with a disaster recovery or governmental agency. United Way does not train, host, or deploy disaster volunteers.


Helping After a Hurricane:

Following a natural disaster, one of the best ways to help is to donate money or volunteer or call the CIC at 866-345-0345

If you have any questions, concerns, or need further clarification, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our team is here to assist you and provide any additional information or support you may require. We are always happy to help, and we look forward to addressing any inquiries you may have. Feel free to contact us at your convenience.

Need assistance?

If you have any questions, concerns, or need further clarification, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our team is here to assist you and provide any additional information or support you may require. We are always happy to help, and we look forward to addressing any inquiries you may have. Feel free to contact us at your convenience.


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