Partnering With Our Community To Establish Permanent, Lasting Gifts
The mission of the United Way of Volusia-Flagler Counties, Inc. is to increase the organized capacity of our community to care for its people.
Community Foundation of Volusia & Flagler is a local organization of dedicated community leaders and professional staff, with deep roots in our community. We welcome an opportunity for a personal conversation about the ways in which the Community Foundation can be of service to you and your family’s legacy of care for our community’s future.
PassionFunds Address Your Deepest Hopes For Our Community
We have several types of funds to choose from, depending on your personal preferences and goals.
Helping Non-Profits Build Long-Term Endowments For Sustainable Futures
Community Foundation of Volusia & Flagler helps non-profits in their work to make our community a better place to live.
Your agency can turn to the Community Foundation of Volusia & Flagler to help increase access to new donors and other resources to build your organization.